How To Grow Social Media Followers Organically For A Business From Scratch

How To Grow Social Media Followers Organically For A Business From Scratch

August 08, 202412 min read
How To Grow Social Media Followers Organically For A Business From Scratch

How To Grow Social Media Followers Organically

The best time to be on social media EVER as a business owner is now.

That's because there is a war going on.

The war is between social media companies and their fight to keep users and content creators on their platform.

You and I can take full advantage of this war for our businesses benefit.

For the first time ever, one format style is compatible with as many as 6 major social media platforms at the time of this writing.

That one format is vertical video.

Because these social media platforms are all supporting the same format, this allows you and I to repurpose one piece of content and upload it to at least 6 different social media platforms giving us 6 times the reach and exposure for our business.

This blog post will unveil the untapped potential of vertical video, showing you how to skyrocket your audience reach, engagement rates and make your content work overtime without any extra effort by you.

Understanding Vertical Video and Its Rise in Popularity

Gone are the days when horizontal videos dominated the digital landscape.

Enter the era of vertical video, a format that's rapidly taking over our screens and changing the way we consume content.

But what exactly is vertical video, and why has it surged in popularity? Let's dive in.

Vertical video, as the name suggests, is video content that is shot or edited to be viewed in portrait mode, rather than the traditional landscape orientation.

young kid watching vertical videos on his smartphone

This means that the videos are taller than they are wide, perfectly tailored to fit the screen of your smartphone without the need to rotate the device.

It's a simple yet revolutionary shift in video presentation.

The unique characteristics of vertical video are not just in its dimensions.

It's about the intimacy and immediacy it creates.

Vertical videos fill up the entire screen of a mobile device, capturing the viewer's undivided attention and creating a more personal viewing experience.

This format encourages creators to be more innovative with their content, often resulting in highly creative and engaging videos that feel like they're just for you.

The rise of vertical video can be largely credited to platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Even though Snapchat is the one who made vertical video popular first.

Then Mark Zuckerburg, founder of Facebook, took the idea and created Instagram Reels.

These social media giants have embraced and promoted vertical videos, understanding that mobile users prefer content that's easy to consume on-the-go. With billions of active users, these platforms have become the breeding ground for vertical video content, allowing creators to reach a massive audience with just a tap on their smartphones.

But why is vertical video more engaging? It boils down to how we use our mobile devices.

Most people hold their phones upright, and flipping it sideways to watch a video is a minor inconvenience that many would prefer to avoid.

Vertical videos cater to this preference, offering a seamless viewing experience.

Moreover, the full-screen format means there are fewer distractions on the screen, allowing the content to truly shine and keep viewers hooked.

Vertical video is also incredibly suitable for mobile users because it's designed for the way we live now.

We're always on the move, often multitasking, and our content consumption habits reflect that.

Vertical videos are perfect for quick entertainment breaks, whether you're waiting in line for coffee or commuting to work.

They're snackable, shareable, and incredibly accessible—three key ingredients for digital content success in today's fast-paced world.

Vertical video is not just a trend; it's a reflection of our evolving content consumption habits.

It's tailored for the mobile-first generation, offering a more engaging and convenient way to watch videos.

As we continue to see the rise of platforms that support vertical video, one thing is clear: this format is here to stay.

So next time you're scrolling through your favorite social media feed, take a moment to appreciate the vertical video—it's shaping the future of digital storytelling.

Proof that vertical video is what these social platforms are pushing out to their users.

We ran a small test over the last few months with a small Instagram account to prove this "theory". Here are the results.

In May we posted a mixture of image posts, reels (aka vertical video) and stories.

May 2024 IG content test

In May our content reached 180 accounts with 56.1% of the content reaching our existing followers and 43.9% reaching non-followers aka strangers who have never heard of us.

In June we switched it up a little and still posted a mixture of image posts, reels (aka vertical video), and stories.

June 2024 IG content test

But in June we posted more reels than we did in May and the results were eye popping. In June our content reached 565 accounts with 18.6% reaching existing followers and a whopping 81.4% reaching non-followers aka strangers who have never heard of us. We loved the results and proved what we believed to be going on. So we ran the test again in July.

In July we ran the same test as in June. We posted a mixture of image posts, reels, (aka vertical video) and stories.

July 2024 IG content test

The results were even better with our content reaching 628 accounts with 11.6% reaching existing followers and a whopping 88.4% reaching non-followers aka people who have never heard of us.

Remember this is all "Free" exposure. No paid ads are involved in this process. We are getting this Instagram account, which is a real company and brand in front of strangers to let them know we exist to capture the people who want to follow our brand and learn more about our company and eventually become customers.

And this is only ONE platform. Keep reading to see how powerful vertical video can be.

Want More Proof That Vertical Video Is The Best Method To Get In Front Of New Followers For Free?

We recently got a new puppy. Her name is Lacey and she is a spunky one lol. We started a new Instagram account for her to document her life, yes this is a thing 😀.

Lacey's Westie Life IG Account Gets 1200 Views

Lacey only has 17 followers at the time of this screenshot, but you can see one of her reels aka vertical video has reached over 1,200 non-followers aka strangers who have never heard of Lacey. So Lacey's exposure has greatly increased. So what kind of content do you think we're going to be Post more of? 😀

Does Posting On Social Media Actually Produce Real Leads?

Here is another small Instagram account from a client of ours. This account is optimizing for leads to contact them through messenger. So YES, posting on social media actually produces leads and revenue for your business.

IG messenger Conversations 1IG messenger Conversations 2

How To Get 6 Times The Reach With One Vertical Video.

Creating content can be a time-consuming process, but in the ever-evolving landscape of social media, it's all about working smarter, not harder.

One of the smartest moves you can make is to repurpose your vertical videos across various platforms. Each platforms calls their vertical videos something different. But they are all the same format.

The platforms are Facebook Reels, Instagram Reels, X, Formally Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, & YouTube Shorts. LinkedIn and YouTube Shorts are the new comers to the vertical video format and the data doesn't lie. They know this is the preferred format for mobile users.

You can also throw Pinterest in there as another platform to consider. It depends on the market your business serves though. But something to consider.

These platforms all support vertical video and are actively pushing these videos out to their users more than any other format. Take Advantage of this amazing opportunity.

vertical video social media platform logos

By doing so, you amplify your message and maximize your reach without reinventing the wheel every time. Let's dive into the strategies for repurposing vertical video content effectively.

Strategies For Repurposing Vertical Videos

First things first, create a stellar vertical video. The key here is to start with high-quality content that's engaging and provides value to your audience.

Below I will list how some of the social media platforms are perceived to work. But I will tell you from experience you can combine all of these little nuances into your one video and post to all 6 vertical video platforms.

✅ For Instagram and Facebook Reels, you'll want to keep it snappy and fun. These platforms are all about quick, engaging content that can capture attention in a matter of seconds. Use catchy music, vibrant visuals, and make sure your message is clear right from the start.

✅ TikTok & Youtube Shorts is a realm of creativity and trends. Here, you should tap into the latest challenges and sounds to stay relevant. Don't be afraid to show a more playful side of your brand, as TikTok users appreciate authenticity and humor. Keep the edits quick-paced and the content lighthearted to encourage shares and likes.

✅ LinkedIn video requires a different approach. This platform is more professional, so your video content should be informative and add value to your industry peers. Keep the branding consistent, but tone down the entertainment factor in favor of educational or thought-provoking content that positions you as a thought leader.

✅ Twitter, now called X, might not be the first platform you think of for vertical videos, but it's an important one. Here, brevity is key. Make your point quickly, use captions effectively, and include a clear call-to-action. X users scroll fast, so your video needs to be designed to stop them in their tracks.

When re-purposing video content, remember that consistency in branding and messaging is crucial.

Your logo, colors, and brand voice should be recognizable across all platforms.

This helps in building brand recognition and trust with your audience, no matter where they're watching your content.

Lastly, don't forget to monitor the performance of your videos on each platform.

What works on TikTok might not resonate as well on LinkedIn, and that's okay.

Use analytics to learn what your audience responds to and tweak your strategy accordingly.

Re-purposing vertical video content across different social media channels is a powerful way to extend your reach without exhausting resources.

By customizing your approach for each platform while maintaining a consistent brand image, you can engage with a wider audience and strengthen your online presence.

Benefits of Repurposing Vertical Video Across Social Media

In the fast-paced world of social media, content is king. But let's face it, constantly creating fresh, engaging content can be exhausting, not to mention resource-intensive.

That's where the magic of re-purposing video content, especially vertical video, comes into play.

By giving your vertical videos a second life across various platforms, you can save time, reach more eyes, and connect with diverse audiences in a way that feels both effortless and strategic.

⌚ Time and Resource Efficiency

When you repurpose your vertical video content, you're doing more than just recycling; you're working smarter.

Creating a single piece of content that can be tweaked and adjusted for multiple platforms saves you from the grind of producing new content for each social media channel.

This means less time brainstorming, shooting, and editing, and more time engaging with your audience.

Re-purposing content also means you can allocate your resources more efficiently.

Instead of exhausting your budget on multiple shoots, you can invest in one high-quality vertical video and then adapt it to suit other platforms.

This strategy not only saves money but also ensures a consistent quality and branding across all your social media channels.

📈 Increased Reach and Attention

Every social media platform has its critiques, but they all love video content, especially vertical video.

By re-purposing your vertical videos across different platforms, you're casting a wider net to capture more attention.

Each social media channel has its unique audience, and by tailoring your vertical video to each platform's specifications and best practices, you can maximize visibility and reach.

Perhaps your video starts as an Instagram Story. With a few tweaks, or not, it can transform into a TikTok, a Facebook Reel, or even a YouTube Short.

The same core content now has the potential to be seen by different segments of your audience who prefer one platform over another.

👍 Higher Engagement Rates

Vertical videos don't just look good; they perform well too. They fill the screen, create a more immersive experience, and as a result, tend to have higher engagement rates.

When you repurpose your vertical video content, you're not just reaching more people; you're likely to see more likes, comments, and shares.

Engagement is the currency of social media, and vertical videos are like hitting the jackpot.

They're more likely to be watched to completion, they encourage interaction, and they keep your audience's thumbs from scrolling past your content.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Tapping into Different Audience Demographics

Each social media platform caters to a slightly different demographic. By re-purposing your vertical videos, you have the opportunity to tailor your message to resonate with each group.

The playful and creative vibe of TikTok might require a different approach than what you'd use for the professional atmosphere of LinkedIn, even if the core content is the same.

This isn't just about reaching more people; it's about connecting with them in a meaningful way.

Re-purposing allows you to fine-tune your content to align with the values, interests, and behaviors of different demographics, increasing the relevance and impact of your message.

In the end, re-purposing vertical video content across social media is a no-brainer.

It's efficient, effective, and can significantly amplify your digital presence.

By embracing this strategy, you're not only saving time and resources but also ensuring that your content works as hard as you do.

So, the next time you shoot a vertical video, remember its potential to be so much more. With a little creativity and strategy, that single video can become a powerful tool in your social media arsenal.

How To Post To All 6 Social Platforms At Once Without Manually Logging Into Each One By One

So you’re probably saying to yourself, now I have to keep track of 6 different social media accounts? That sounds like a lot of work.

And if you posted manually to each social media platform one by one that would be a lot of work.

Manual tedious work is not what we do here at Prestige Rep.

We have your solution to posting to all of your social media accounts in one centralized platform.

See, inside of Prestige Rep we have a feature called Social Planner. Our social planner allows you to connect all of your social media accounts so you can plan, schedule, and post all from one central location.

No more logging into each social media platform one by one.

Upload your video to one piece of software and post to all of them at once.

social planner feature inside of Prestige Rep. Social media poster. Social Media Calendar as well.

Don’t have Prestige Rep yet? Try it out risk-free for 30 days here

Founder and Marketing Nerd at Prestige Rep

Jonathan Scott

Founder and Marketing Nerd at Prestige Rep

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