Stop Paying for Bad Marketing Advice: Here’s What Actually Works

Stop Paying for Bad Marketing Advice: Here’s What Actually Works

October 11, 20243 min read

Kicking off the journey of marketing enlightenment, it’s time to address the ancient mystery of why businesses, particularly service-based ones, tend to invest in bad marketing advice.

Spoiler alert: it’s because good advice is harder to find than a matching pair of socks fresh out of the dryer. This guide promises to unravel what actually works without leaving you questioning your life choices.

1. Why Your Business Needs a Growth Flywheel: It's Not Just Another Fancy Buzzword

The growth flywheel is like the new kid at school who everyone wants to hang out with, not just because they have cool gadgets, but because they make everything seem easy and fun.

Unlike those over-hyped buzzwords that promise the moon and deliver a rock, the growth flywheel is all about momentum—getting it and keeping it.

Service-based businesses thrive on relationships, not one-and-done transactions. The growth flywheel focuses on creating an ecosystem where customers are so delighted they keep coming back for more.

It's about building loyalty and advocacy while making your marketing dollars work smarter, not harder.

Think of it as setting up domino's. Once you give that first nudge, they keep going without much extra effort from you. Focusing on customer experience becomes your secret sauce.

Happy customers lead to referrals, which bring in more happy customers, and before you know it, your business is spinning like a well-oiled wheel. It’s not magic; it's just smart strategy.

2. Building Your Growth Flywheel: No, You Don't Need an Engineering Degree

Now that we've established why you need a growth flywheel, it's time to build one without feeling like you're assembling IKEA furniture without instructions. You don’t need an engineering degree or a decoder ring; you just need a bit of common sense and some patience.

First up, figure out what makes your existing customers tick and how you can make their experience even better. This isn't rocket science—just chat with them or send out simple surveys to gather insights. Use this feedback to create delightful experiences that keep them coming back.

Next, streamline operations so every interaction is smooth as butter. Consider automation tools for repetitive tasks to free up time for more strategic pursuits. It’s about creating a seamless journey from when someone hears about you until they become your biggest fan.

Finally, measure what matters. Growth isn’t just about numbers; it’s about meaningful metrics like customer satisfaction and retention rates. These will tell you if your flywheel is spinning smoothly or needs a little nudge.

3. Keeping the Flywheel Spinning: Tips for Service-Based Businesses That Aren't Rocket Science

Congratulations! You’ve set up your growth flywheel and it's whirring away like a charm. But much like keeping a plant alive (which isn’t as easy as it sounds), maintaining momentum requires care and feeding.

Regularly check in with your team and your systems to ensure everything’s running as planned. Encourage open communication so issues are addressed before they become problems.

Keep an eye on industry trends and adapt as needed—flexibility is key here. Just don’t chase every new shiny object that comes along; stick with what aligns with your brand values and goals.

And remember, consistency is queen (or king—no monarchy discrimination here). Regular updates and engagement keep your audience interested and invested in what you’re doing.

In closing, service-based businesses deserve marketing strategies that actually work instead of draining budgets with little return. Prestige Rep offers a growth flywheel system designed specifically for local businesses seeking visibility and control over their marketing efforts—all within a friendly budget framework that doesn’t break the bank. Ready to empower your company? Start by exploring how our system can transform your business today.

Founder and Marketing Nerd at Prestige Rep

Jonathan Scott

Founder and Marketing Nerd at Prestige Rep

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